Deal Alert

By | August 6, 2018

For the 13 of you who 1) still use RSS feeds and 2) haven’t unsubscribed yet, boy have I got a deal for you.

Last week, I got a mailer from Midway and one of those items in there was the Hornady AR Gunlocker for $239. I have always been interested in vehicle mounted AR safes but usually they are in the $400 range, so I started looking around.

The original MSRP is around $350 on these. Amazon had them for $220. I decided to wait a couple of days until payday/allowance day (we still do Dave Ramsey and my “blow money” comes out of the wife’s biweekly check) to see if I still wanted it. I decided that I’d probably get it when the price dropped to around $200. By allowance day, it was $204 so I bought it.

The price is still dropping and my safe was delivered today.

It was $189 when I woke up this morning and now it’s $182 with prime shipping.
Those of you not running an adblocker can see the current price below:

Now, I just got it today and it’s still in the box so I can’t give a review yet, but for $184 (probably lower by the time you read this) I can make it work, even if I have to replace the electronics with something more useful. It may be too wide to fit in my cherokee but I can use it as an underbed safe or something.

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