Author Archives: wizardpc

Slightly unnerving

By | November 27, 2014

As you may know, I bought a Kahr CM9 a couple of months ago and it came with an extra magazine. Since the CM9 is a 6+1 9mm, I pocket carry the spare mag. Well yesterday I went to the range and when I pulled out the magazine, I was greeted with this: Yeah so… Read More »

Gun Porn: Thanksgiving Edition

By | November 25, 2014

Turkey day? How bout a Turkey Gun*? Browning Auto-5. And you know who designed that, right? *I’m not a hunter, so that could be a deer gun for all I know. Or duck. Or whatever.

Shut up and take my money

By | November 3, 2014

Last month, I asked the guys in #GBC if someone made an AR Trigger that used the auto position for a match trigger (2.5lb-ish, short travel, for distance shots), and the semi auto position for more of a standard 4.5lb-ish trigger for running around. Someone thought that Tac-Con’s 3MR did that, but upon investigation we… Read More »