Author Archives: wizardpc

The media will get their Justice for Trayvon

By | July 29, 2013

Even if it’s not for Trayvon, and Zimmerman isn’t involved, and it’s not in Florida. I made the mistake of treating the media as an independent reporter of fact in the Zimmerman case. I won’t be making that mistake again. Things that will help Sharpton et al this time: The kid is actually 14. This… Read More »

Nikon P-223 Scope and Burris PEPR AR Mount

By | July 22, 2013

A couple of weeks ago I bought a Nikon P-223 3×32 with the BDC Carbine reticle and a Burris AR-PEPR Quick Detach mount. I’d read some good reviews for both, and they both happened to be on sale, so I went ahead and got them. By the way, some sites list the P-223 as having… Read More »

Of course

By | July 14, 2013

The Justice Department says it is looking into the shooting death of Trayvon Martin to determine whether federal prosecutors should file criminal civil rights charges now that George Zimmerman has been acquitted in the state case. EDIT: WaPo link instead of the now-dead AP link.

Deliberations begin in a couple of hours

By | July 12, 2013

In the Zimmerman vs The Left trial. There’s a one hour recess, then jury instructions, then deliberations begin for a jury that hasn’t seen their families in two weeks. Late on a Friday is when they’ll get the case, and I’ve heard that often juries just want to go home in circumstances such as these.… Read More »

Aaaaand we’re back

By | July 12, 2013

You know what’s awesome? When your web host turns off your database completely, then sends you an email asking you to troubleshoot a problem that requires you getting into the database. Better still is when, after complaining for 24 hours that you can’t get into the database to troubleshoot, you get a snarky “oh, it… Read More »

One more thing on Illinois Carry…

By | July 10, 2013

I’m going to go ahead and call this: If the murder rate in Chicago goes up, it will be blamed on concealed carry and preemption*. If the murder rate in Chicago goes down, it will be attributed to Rahm Emmanuel’s supreme leadership. *That’s right, Chicago’s handgun ban, AWB, and several other laws are now kaput