Author Archives: oddball

Repairs and thoughts on an AlienGear holster

By | April 3, 2017

For the past couple years, my go to IWB holster has been an AlienGear CloakTuck 2.0 holster.  It’s a rather affordable hybrid holster that has a plastic shell attached to more flexible backing.  The most common material used for this kind of backing is leather (and that is what the original AlienGear holster uses), but… Read More »

Quick update

By | February 19, 2017

Just in case anyone was wondering, I was in Academy the other day and the ARs were back on display.  Looks like I was right, and they hid them under the counter after the nightclub shooting in Miami until the craziness blew over.

Real life example of why registry is bad

By | February 5, 2017

If you’re reading this blog, you probably already know the usual arguments about registry.  A friend of mine just brought up a scenario that I had never thought of. He has an older friend that is unfortunately in the hospital with one of those issues that a lot of folks don’t come home from (hope… Read More »

The Army goes Sig

By | January 19, 2017

A non-gun geek friend of mine actually brought this to my attention.  Apparently, the Army has finished it’s trials for a replacement of the M9.  They’ve decided to go with the Sig Sauer p320. As a Beretta fanboy, I’m sad to see the M9 replaced, but the Sig is a damn good gun.  The M9 was… Read More »

Good reason to carry a spare

By | January 9, 2017

So… when putting my carry gun in the safe last night, I discovered that the magazine wasn’t in the gun! Apparently, when I ran out to the store to pick up stuff for dinner last night, I had managed to hit the mag release.  Went back out to the car, and it was sitting there… Read More »

Are you freaking kidding me?!

By | December 15, 2016

Apparently, it’s illegal for folks to carry pepper spray in Canada.  Some folks with clear heads are trying to correct that.  You’d think that would be a no brainer, right?  Nope. Ok. Fine. Are the detractors stating that bad guys might use the sprays to attack the innocent? Nope. Maybe they’re concerned that folks might… Read More »

All the pocket guns!

By | November 23, 2016

Some random gun porn for your holiday weekend.  This is from me visiting a buddy and us deciding that it was going to be a pocket gun day at the range. I promise that there will be actual content soon.