I have made a decision!
I am going to give up all my guns and get one of these for self defense instead: Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie. I mean, who needs bullets when you can chuck fireballs?
I am going to give up all my guns and get one of these for self defense instead: Technomancer Digital Wizard Hoodie. I mean, who needs bullets when you can chuck fireballs?
a bacon casket? Complete with bacon air freshener?
Went to a gun show this weekend and an IBM make M1 carbine tried real hard to follow me home (stupid broken A/C on my car stopped it). Instead, a full-sized Bersa Thunder 9 Pro decided to jump at me and not leave me alone until I did the paperwork. As the name implies, it’s… Read More »
So… I currently have a hole in my collection. Namely, I don’t presently own a .22 semi-auto pistol. I have plenty of .22 rifles and a neat little Heritage arms .22 SA revolver, but I’ve been without a pistol since I traded the Walther P22 back to WizardPC for his WASR. I could buy that… Read More »
A little while ago, I was chatting on IRC with a few folks about knives. A couple of them told me that they prefer carrying fixed blades. I’ve been puzzling over that for a while. I still don’t get it. I’ve generally had the impression that most folks in “polite society” disapprove of folks having… Read More »
Naienko (the g/f): I was having issues typing today. The “t” key was acting up. me: I would say it’s shifty, but that’s a different key entirely. Nai: It’s a good thing you’re driving right now. me: Of course, you have to be careful with the capitol T, it’s shift+t. Nai: I’m going to stab… Read More »
This is more for me to keep track of when it happened so I can tell myself “it’s only been x days…” when running to the mailbox than anything else. I got my fingerprints made yesterday and submitted, so, in theory, I should have my carry permit sometime in the next 90 days.
So a week ago, I ordered a MrBeer, and it greeted me at my front door when I came home today. So, I’ve gone through the motions, thrown the concoction into the closet, and I’ll see how it tuns out in 2 weeks.
If you haven’t already heard, there was a shooting at a high school in a suburb of Cleveland this morning. I’m actually in class with two people from that area this week. They’ve told me that while it is a suburb, it’s far enough out that it’s pretty rural and more of a small town. … Read More »
So, I finally got my lazy rear into a carry class in order to get my permit. Yes, yes, I know, I know. I’m fixing that. Anyways, I found out about Condition-1 through the local chapter of the Zombie Squad, and that they had a few slots still open for yesterday’s class. Honestly, that’s all… Read More »