Author Archives: oddball

Huh… advertising must work!

By | October 22, 2012

Went to the range yesterday to try out the 795 after the upgrade and check the zero on the new scope.  I decided to take the Marlin Papoose with me to check on its zero as well.  I’ll write about the 795 in a different post. I’ve noticed I’ve gotten a lot of questions about… Read More »

More adventures in applied chemistry

By | October 17, 2012

No… I haven’t blown anything up… Although… this is currently being shipped to me… Regular readers of this blog may remember that I bought a MrBeer kit back in March.  I gave it a shot with the mix that came with it, and it came out like higher end American beer (which is the way… Read More »

and now for a randomly inspirational post…

By | October 17, 2012

I swear… this won’t be a regular occurrence. Erin Palette over at Lurking Rhythmically has been doing some soul searching recently.  I’ll let her speak for herself as to why and on what, but she raised the question of why folks thought that she was brave for doing something she thinks should be easy.  I… Read More »

I’m a little late to the party, but…

By | October 17, 2012

You know it’s bad when someone decides that their rant about you website requires its own table of contents. (you’ll notice that I happily linked to Linoge’s site and not the other… that wasn’t accidental)

Marlin 795 gets an upgrade!

By | October 16, 2012

I had bought my Marlin 795 over a year ago with the intention of using it at a Project Appleseed event.  At the time, the only semi-auto detachable magazine rifle I had was my AR.  While .223 is cheap compared to other “proper” rifle caliber rifles, I was still able to buy the Marlin ($80… Read More »

Lesson from Project Appleseed: Natural Point of Aim

By | October 12, 2012

I knew I had forgotten at least one thing from that big rambling post… well… several things… The three big things that the folks teaching the Appleseed clinic kept pushing were breathing, relaxing, and natural point of aim.  The breathing and relaxing are both pretty simple to explain, if you tense up, not only do… Read More »

Overheard in the house last night

By | October 12, 2012

Me: Oh, we got another couple kids trying to sell magazines come by earlier. Naienko: ok… Me: Yeah… At one point, the guy said “it’s helping us read and become knowledgeable instead of getting into guns and drugs and stuff… So what are your hobbies?” Naienko: …umm… Guns and alcohol?

Appleseed report

By | October 9, 2012

This past weekend, Wizard, Linoge, Linoge’s wife, and I went down to Manchester for a Project Appleseed rifle clinic.  First, a couple bullet points: I witnessed Linoge getting into Wizard’s pants. I’m not a bad shot, but still have room for improvement… like making sure I’m hitting the right target. Concrete is hard. Yes, you… Read More »