Author Archives: oddball

The Daily Show hits it on the head

By | October 31, 2013

I know a bunch of you don’t particularly like Jon Stewart due to his view on gun control, and his generally leftest views, but I think he hit it out of the park last night talking about the NSA. [youtube] Those whose jobs it is to oversee the NSA are either claiming “oh… we… Read More »

Just a quick reminder…

By | October 25, 2013

I would like to thank this gentleman for demonstrating why you don’t look down the barrel of a gun.  Especially immediately after a failure to fire. [youtube] Don’t worry, no blood and gore.  Just an amazing example of a hang fire. *edit* embedded video link fixed.

Oh… hey! Actual content!

By | October 2, 2013

Couple weeks ago, I attended a scifi convention called Outsidecon.  Well, convention is a pretty lose term, since the only thing scheduled is a fishing contest, and apparently they had archery this year.  Basically, it’s an excuse for a bunch of geeks to go hang out at a nearby state park and unwind.  Many of… Read More »

It’s that time of year again…

By | September 1, 2013

It’s September 1st, which means it’s time for Kilted to Kick Cancer (link to my donation page).  Unfortunately, I’m too busy being at Dragoncon to do a proper post.  For the time being, I’ll just link to a YouTube vid of what should be the theme song: <iframe width=”420″ height=”315″ src=”//” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe> If you… Read More »

Annnnd Random picture of the day

By | August 28, 2013

I present to you two buddies being silly: I know I keep promising actual content and failing to deliver.  Wizard will probably lock me out of this thing soon if I keep this up.  Sadly, I’m going to this little convention called Dragoncon tomorrow, won’t be back until Tuesday, and then I’m heading to Outsidecon… Read More »

Remington to flee New York?

By | August 19, 2013

At least that’s the story according to my local rag… and they might be moving into my area! I’m kind of surprised to see one of the older companies decide to pull up stakes and move.  It’s one thing when you’re a relatively young company like Magpul or Khar, but when you’ve got multiple generations… Read More »

And this is a bad thing?

By | August 19, 2013

John Kerry complains that it’s “harder to govern people with the internet.” Also claims that it’s “much harder to organize people, much harder to find the common interest…” wut

Going to Dragoncon?

By | August 16, 2013

Naienko and I will be making our annual trip to Atlanta for Dragoncon.  I know there’s a few folks that read this that are going. Anyone interested in meeting up at some point?  Maybe dinner on Thursday?


By | July 26, 2013

Man decides robbing a gun shop would be a great idea… with a baseball bat. Apparently he came to his senses when the guy behind the counter drew on him.

I guess I have a new gun shirt?

By | July 21, 2013

So, my mom, the hoplophobe, recently went on a European vacation and brought me back a T-shirt from Greece.  It features a Spartan warrior and the phrase “molan labe” on it. She had no idea what it meant. I told her the historical context of it, but not the current popular use for that phrase.