Author Archives: oddball

Gratz to ASM826, and some thoughts

By | July 1, 2014

It’s a bit late, but I’ve been a bit busy. ASM826 has tested for, and received, his second degree black belt in Wadoki Aikido. He’s had some commenters that have clearly gone down the path of “I don’t need no fancy Jui-Jitsu, I’ve got a gun!”  This has always been something that has puzzled me… Read More »

Training Tip: Leave Your Ego at the Door

By | June 18, 2014

This past weekend, I was helping run a local scifi convention.  Among other things, my martial arts instructor and I ran a self-defense seminar.  It seems like every time you run one of these things, there are at least one of two types of guys that show up that let their egos get in the… Read More »


By | June 3, 2014

So… my dad just ordered something for me from a certain holster maker for my birthday. Now to patiently wait for August to arrive.  Apparently these things take time and Dennis is a busy guy.


By | May 15, 2014

Looks like Linoge is at it again with the funny T-shirts.  Seems to be leveled at about my level of blogging.

Bidet shoot news

By | May 7, 2014

I’ve just sent an email out to folks that have shown interest in coming to the shoot.  If you want to come and haven’t seen anything in your mailbox by this afternoon, check your spam filter and then let me know.

oooo…. shiny….

By | May 6, 2014

So… I think I found the knife I’m going to get when July 1st rolls around and switchblades are legal in this state. [youtube] I mentioned that I’m childish about some things, right?

NRA Anual Meeting round up

By | April 29, 2014

This year marked the first year that I’ve attended one of NRA’s yearly conventions.  It also marked the first time I’ve ever been to a convention where I was part of the media.  It felt kind of weird, but the NRA and the vendors in the exhibitor’s hall really do seem to like us bloggers… Read More »

Speaking of get togethers…

By | April 23, 2014

I know a bunch of folks are getting ready to head to Indy for the NRAAM (myself included), but I thought I’d mention the Bidet Shoot 2 again. We are definitely on for June 20-22.  I think the hotel we stayed in last year worked out well, so we’ll be there again, and I believe… Read More »

Because F you, that’s why

By | April 23, 2014

A little while ago, my dad got me a late Christmas present (late because it’s actually hard to find one). It’s the one on the right: Yep… that’s a 75 round drum mag for Marlin .22 rifles… like my 795 Or my Papoose It’s a little childish of me, but whenever folks start talking about… Read More »