A little while ago, my dad got me a late Christmas present (late because it’s actually hard to find one).
It’s the one on the right:
Yep… that’s a 75 round drum mag for Marlin .22 rifles… like my 795
Or my Papoose
It’s a little childish of me, but whenever folks start talking about needing to pass a magazine limit law, I feel the need to buy something high capacity. At least this time, it’s just a magazine. It’s been guns in the past.
I haven’t been able to actually try it out yet (who can afford 75rnds of .22 these days?), but, honestly, I bought this purely because it makes me giggle like crazy.
Oh… on the other side of things… does anyone know why Marlin makes those stupid little 7rnd mags? They even charge as much for the 7 rounders as they do the 10 rounders.