More fun with headlines

By | February 18, 2013

Actual headline: Vermont man surrenders teaching license over assault rifle

Accurate headline: Teacher cashes doubled paychecks for a year, goes crazy when he gets caught

The FoxNews report makes it sound like he lost his job for the completely lawful act of possessing an AR-15 on his own property. If you click through to the original report, you learn that the Bushmaster the guy owned had very little to do with him getting in trouble. The stalking, felony trespass, and restraining order violations had a much bigger impact.

4 thoughts on “More fun with headlines

  1. Pingback: Tuesday News Dump | Shall Not Be Questioned

  2. Pingback: SayUncle » What media bias?

  3. Tai

    Don’t be silly; of course he lost his job over an ‘assault weapon’. You think a New England teacher would get fired for anything else?

    1. Ken in NH

      VT and NH ≠ MA and CT when it comes to gun laws or even attitudes about guns.


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