So I’m rocking a Samsung Galaxy S III 4G now and have been for a couple of weeks.
I also have an Eye-Fi Pro X2 8 GB hooked up to my Canon EOS Rebel T2i
. All the kickass pictures I’ve been posting since January have been with that setup.
Through the magic of computers and Al Gore’s Internet, this means that when I take a picture with my fancy pants camera, it shows up on my phone. The process is roughly this:
- Take Picture.
- When/If near my home wifi network, the picture is automagically copied to my media server.
- Once on my media server, they Eye-Fi software compresses the picture and uploads it to a Picasa web album, using the date the picture was taken to create a new album name.
- The album is then synced to my phone.
This is all entirely automatic. I literally have to do nothing but take the picture and a couple of minutes later it’s on my phone. It’s very, very convenient.
Well, yesterday I went to show someone a picture of Casey (our Belgian Malinois) and none of my Picasa Web Albums were on my phone! Poof! Gone! TRAGEDY!
As it turns out, this was an easy fix that took me two days to find. There seems to be a rebranding of Picasa to Google Photos in the midst. When I updated the Google+ App the other day, it turned on “Sync Google Photos” under System Settings->Accounts and Sync->(your google account). That broke the Picasa sync, apparently.
I unchecked that guy. Then I unchecked and re-checked “Sync Picasa Web albums” and voila! Now I have my pretty pretty pictures back.
I’m putting this out there in the hopes that someone else who has this problem won’t have to go to the third page of a discussion board on the fifth page of google results in order to find this.