Even though Woot has a rule about not posting deals on actual firearms* (fortunately, we have places like SlickGuns for that), they don’t seem to have any issue with advertising or even selling gun accessories.
Today’s deal on sport.woot.com is a S&W Micro 90 for $37.99 + $5 shipping. I haven’t really done any research into this item, so I don’t know how good it is. Woot (and Amazon) claims that MSRP is right at $100, so I’m guessing it’s better than the stuff you normally see for $40 that quickly falls app art. I might get one just to support them offering such things. Remember, Woot changes what they offer daily, so if you want one, I’d go ahead and get it.
*They used to, but enough folks got their panties in a twist that they were selling those evil, horrible things that they decided to change their policy.