Officer Roid Rage is traumatized

By | September 7, 2011

His hearing has been postponed, because he has been diagnosed with PTSD.

No word on what the traumatic incident was, but check out what his lawyer said about why he couldn’t attend his disciplinary hearing:

“The progress that Dan Harless is making with his doctor visits would only be reversed with reliving this incident so close to his treatment for his PTSD disability,” Adams wrote.

I don’t know about you, but it sounds to me like the traumatic incident was people all over the country finding out he’s an asshole.




7 thoughts on “Officer Roid Rage is traumatized

  1. Weer'd Beard

    Can’t we just execute him and then go home and sleep like a baby?

    Poor baby! Can you imagine how the people who he threatened to murder while handcuffed must feel?

  2. Oddball

    So… he now has a disability that will cause him trauma if he merely talks about a confrontational incident? Seeing how a routine part of the job of a police officer is dealing with rapidly escalating confrontations (sometimes created by them), I don’t see how he can be declared fit to continue performing his job, and should be released.

  3. Pingback: SayUncle » Aw, poor baby

  4. joe

    I would be curious as to whether he has ever had a drug test, and whether he passed or failed the first time.

    Maybe he has syphilis, which also can cause to erratic behavior.

    Inquiring minds want to know!


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