Officer Roid Rage “Violated Rules”

By | August 25, 2011

And there’s a hearing on September 7th to determine punishment.

Sadly, criminal charges don’t seem to be part of the punishment. Like you and me, only better.

Via Facebook

8 thoughts on “Officer Roid Rage “Violated Rules”

  1. Dann in Ohio

    As a former LEO in Ohio… all I can say is… there is no excuse… aside from his behavior, he better thank God that the driver was law abiding because if the driver had been a criminal with intent to kill, those two keystone cops would have been dead. Crawling around in the back seat while an unchecked adult male sat in the front seat… idiots do come in pairs…

    Dann in Ohio

  2. Pingback: SSCC–Officer Road Rage, Round 2 | The Minuteman

  3. Pingback: The State Protects Its Own Again at A Geek With Guns

  4. Pingback: SayUncle » Officer roid rage

  5. Tac

    He should be in prison. I counted, under color of authority, IIRC, four counts of assault, and one count of aggrivated assault. Threatening to “put 10 rounds” in someone when they obviously have the means and are seemingly emotionally out of control to such an extent that a reasonable person believes someone to be unstable and capable of irrational action… aggrivated assault. His partner is as guilty as he is for allowing it to proceed. This guy should be housed with the same people he has incarcerated.

  6. Pingback: SSCC–Officer Road Rage, Round 2 - The Minuteman

  7. Pingback: Update on Daniel “Officer Roid Rage” Harless | Guns, Cars, and Tech

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